5 Of Emotionally Balanced As a life coach, many of my clients come to me feeling like they’re unable to cope with their emotions. They feel overly sensitive and are fearful of experiencing any strong emotions. What I tell  Read

Do you consider yourself a person? Studies suggest morning people tend to be happier and even healthier. But you don’t have to be morning person to develop simple habits that can help you have a more balanced and productive day.

When I was stuck in a corporate career and diagnosed with clinical depression, I would dread waking up in the morning. It meant going into a job I hated and suffering through another long day. I realized my unhappiness was part of a choice that was manufactured by my routine and daily habits.

So I studied and people and learned what they did. As it turns out, a lot of our happiness can be traced to our habits, which start from the moment we wake up.

Today my life is much different from when I was that sad girl who relied on her snooze button. I’ve developed key morning routines that shifted my entire day, transforming my life.

Waking up can be difficult if you don’t have something to look forward to. If you find yourself feeling stuck in life, it could be as simple as shifting and switching up some of your morning routines.

Here are seven habits practiced by the healthiest and happiest people I know.

1. They speak kindly to themselves

Instead of waking up and thinking negative thoughts about how much they ate the night before or how they failed to meet a goal, or how frustrated they are that they aren’t where they think they should be in life, they simply celebrate where they are with kind and compassionate thoughts.

2. They listen to their bodies

The happiest and healthiest people I know don’t have a strict morning routine, but instead listen to their bodies and let them guide them. Some mornings their bodies may say, “Today, it will feel good to work out early and drink fresh green juice.” While other mornings it may say, “Push snooze one more time.” Instead of feeling guilty for their choices or thinking their morning has to look a certain way, they trust themselves and let their bodies’ needs lead them.

3. They focus on what they want instead of what they don’t want.

Happy people focus on what they want by picturing it in their head and taking steps to achieve it. Instead of wasting precious energy on what isn’t working or what they don’t want, they commit to a better future by imagining what they want.

4. They leave yesterday in the past.

Most people wake up and start to run through a list of the mistakes, mishaps or problems from the day before. This prevents you from fully moving forward into a positive day. Instead, go to bed each night and say to yourself, “For today, I did the best I could and it is enough. Tomorrow, I will do it again.” Then when you wake, you will feel more grounded and balanced to start fresh again.

5. They align with their purpose and higher power.

Connected to a higher power daily. Whether it’s a solid gratitude practice, prayer, meditation, journal writing or focused intent, they connect by giving thanks and aligning with love. Sometimes a higher power is a sense of community orgroup of people with similar interests.

6. They ask themselves key questions.

Starting your day with focused intent will help you be more productive and feel accomplished. Steve Jobs said, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” Being strategic with your day will help you live a more fulfilled life.

7. They do what they want to do, not what they have to do.

Healthy and happy people know the most important thing is how they feel, so naturally they don’t do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, nor do they force anything. If things aren’t flowing, they go in a new direction. They allow themselves to be who they are and trust the rhymes of their own life, free of society’s pressure and standards. True happiness can only come when we let ourselves do what feels right for us. Trusting yourself is the best way to reach lasting fulfillment.

To make your own list grab this FREE Love Life to The Fullest Guide.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Shannon Kaiser has been labeled a “New Thought leader on the Rise,” by Café Truth. She’s helped thousands of people worldwide through her private life coaching practice, articles, her bestselling book, meditation albums, workshops, courses, and her award winning website PlayWithTheWorld.com.

She’s an inspirational author, speaker, travel journalist, teacher, and life coach who left her successful career in advertising several years ago to follow her heart to be a writer. She is the bestselling author of Find Your Happy, an Inspirational Guide to Loving Life to Its Fullest, and a six-time contributing author to Chicken Soup for The Soul.

Her work has been recognized in media outlets across the world such as Good Morning America, Good Day New York, Inside Edition, HuffPost Live, Health Magazine, and Australian Vogue, and she writes for MindBodyGreen, Huffington Post, Healing Lifestyles & Spas and The Daily Love. Everything Shannon does is to help you connect to your true self and unapologetically live your authentic purpose. She’s currently finishing her next book Adventures for Your Soul (Penguin, May 2015). She lives in Portland, OR with her adventure buddy, her dog Tucker.

Visit her online at PlayWithTheWorld.com, Facebook, and Twitter.

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