Sure, we’re all a work in progress, but that doesn’t mean the person you are today isn’t good enough. People who are happy and successful get there by embracing their most authentic selves — imperfections and all. Here you’ll find ten you’re the best of :

1. You stop negative self-talk as soon as you see it coming.

It’s easy to get sidetracked with self-doubt, but shushing your inner critic shows self-kindness and compassion that lets you live life to your full potential.

2. You know how to say no.

Your time is precious, so why waste it? Setting boundaries and simplifying your commitments gives you the room you need for personal and professional growth.

3. You forgive yourself.

Whether you blew your budget, lost your temper or failed to meet your PR in yesterday’s workout, self-forgiveness is what keeps you moving forward instead of wallowing in the past.

4. You learn something new everyday.

Boredom is for the lazy. Expanding your mind makes you — and life — more interesting.

5. You celebrate your imperfections.

Let go of unrealistic expectations and accepting yourself for who you are today. Being imperfect is what makes you human.

6. You listen to your body.

Most of us power through the day without once stopping to consider how we actually feel. Checking in with your body helps you learn when to push harder, when to give yourself a break and, most importantly, when to trust your instincts.

7. You embrace change as a growth opportunity.

Change is the only constant in life, yet it always seems to surprise us. Rolling with the unexpected turns can be tough, but learning to view them as a chance for new possibilities is the first step to setting yourself free.

8. You’ve experienced failure.

It’s tempting to save face, but if you haven’t suffered a misstep or defeat it means you weren’t trying very hard in the first place. Pushing yourself to be the best you can be always come with disappointment, but it’s how you learn to bounce back that counts.

9. You step outside your comfort zone.

Being a leader can be frightening. Pursuing passions can make you feel vulnerable. But it’s by taking on these challenges and facing your fears that you are able to create new opportunities and reach achievements you never dreamed possible.

10. You have relationships with people who make you feel good.

Surrounding yourself with positive, supportive friends is the fastest way to lift you up.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Reebok is the leading fitness company committed to inspiring people everywhere to be their absolute best— physically, mentally and socially. With award winning products and a dedicated community of fitness professionals you’ll find everything you need to become your best self – To Be More Human.

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