Consider your personal situation. That could be centered on only you or it could include the people who are important to you. If you and/or they are on this path right now, it would be important to recognize it.

In order to live (to be 120?) and be healthy, you have to avoid two common problems:

1. Don’t kill yourself with your lifestyle; and

2. Don’t let anyone else kill you, either accidentally or intentionally.

Simply put, here is a possible progression and these phases will show up in your life:

Dis-cord. This is a discrepancy between what you want and ‘what is’.  Lots of stuff may be happening that you are railing against, you feel anger or hatred toward to the point where you notice your own upset. ‘What is’ is not what you expected or intended.

Dis-information.  You tell yourself a ‘lie’ or you listen to others who are telling you lies. Without accurate, truthful information, it is difficult to know who or what to believe.

Dis-connection. You consider your situation and decide you are all alone without help and support. You feel under-powered and overwhelmed.

Dis-ease. This is where anxiety, fear and stress really grab hold of you and you have trouble shaking free. Shame, apathy, and grief rise up in you. Occasional bursts of craving and anger give you a false sense you are making progress toward freedom.

Doctors. Who do you turn to to find out what’s going on? Is it serious? What pills can you take? Never mind the scary side-effects, you take the prescriptions.

Disease. There is where guesses (often called diagnoses) come in. You read about the current diseases, all the symptoms, imagine new symptoms, and basically terrorize yourself.

Drugs. Just so you know, a headache is not an aspirin-deficiency. They are not caused by lack of aspirin. Drugs are profitable and easy to prescribe. Take your prescriptions out of the medicine cabinet and a list. Then review what they are for and what the side-effects are by going to

Death. It is estimated that between 400,000 and 1 million people in the United States die from medical errors and treatment complications.