It happens to the best of us. We’re working out and feeling great but then that birthday , wedding extravaganza or vacation derails our healthy habits and leaves us feeling kinda crappy. But there’s no sense in beating yourself up over this! Instead, here are some tips to help you bounce back with ease.

1. Choose to indulge and enjoy it.

If you’re going to go nuts, you might as well have fun!

2. Be nice to yourself before, during, and .

There’s no point in harping on the situation or criticizing yourself. It’s especially important not to dwell on the situation after it’s done — you make the stress worse and make it harder to digest the experience.

3. If you don’t like how you feel, use this as information to get back on track.

Now that you’ve acknowledged this experience and have forgiven yourself, notice how you’re feeling and take a mental note that you don’t feel so hot. Use this to motivate you to make healthier choices now.

4. Flood your body with water.

Even better if it’s warm water with lemon. This will help flush out the unhealthy choices and assist with digesting (and eliminating) your food.

5. Cut out all sugar, processed and packaged foods, dairy, and flour.

Stick with a whole foods eating plan. Think: leafy greens, veggies, fruit, lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, etc.), fermented veggies, nuts and seeds. (For a quick and easy boost, try my sweet potato kale crunch.)

6. Take a probiotic.

It’s important to boost the good bacteria in your gut to help fight off the junk that’s now in your body. A probiotic is a great way to start.

7. Drink dandelion root tea.

This decaffeinated tea is thought to help support your liver, which is really important to help your body eliminate toxins and function at an optimal level.

8. Breathe.

This will help repair your cells and boost your energy. Try the following breathing exercise: Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold the inhale for a count of 1, exhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold the exhale for a count of 1. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Melissa Green is a certified Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coach. She received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and came in search of this career after working in the fashion industry and feeling unfulfilled, stressed out and truly unhappy. This switch has opened her eyes and heart to her true passion and a happier, healthier, and more positive way of living, which she hopes to spread on to each of her clients.

As a Health Coach she helps young women achieve their health and life goals by incorporating natural, clean foods and healthier habits that work best for them. She supports them in creating balance in their busy schedules, reducing stress, increasing energy, and achieving pure happiness, beauty, and confidence from the inside out.

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