Healing the body-mind relationship includes clearing the body, by shifting the attitudes about the body, and its importance. Clearing misunderstandings about the body fostered by religious dogma. Clearing self-disapproval marketed by product and process vendors.
Physical comfort can become a trap. Practice the habits below for sustained health and wellness.
Habits to practice:
- Eat small portions.
- Drink lots of clean water.
- Walk.
- Exercise to enhance circulation and muscle tone.
- Dance.
- Concentrate on your posture.
- Drive carefully & mindfully.
- Regularly use a stress-reducing process like THC, EFT, meditation
- Groom often and well.
- Take care of your feet.
- Avail yourself of alternative health modalities
- Seek to remedy causes rather than symptoms.
- Avoid ‘breaking skin.’
- Breathe deeply.
- Take care of all your body parts.
- Drink good red wine.
- Go without wearing underclothing, at least periodically. Enjoy the freedom.
- Get enough sunshine.
- Killing animals for food isn’t sustainable. Renewable foodstuffs are easier on your body & theirs.
- Chew your food slowly and very well. It’s the first step in good digestion.
- Avoid drinking soda pop.
- Put your fork or spoon down between bites.
- Do cleanses.
- Practice mindful breathing.
- Bathe in unpolluted, unchemicalized bodies of water.
- Avoid chemicals no matter how profitable they are for others.
- Naps and good rest are great investments in you.